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Membership and accreditations

Membership and accreditations


6B. GAFTA Logo 300x273 1GAFTA is an international Trade Association with over 1500 Members in 89 countries, promoting international trade in grain, animal feed materials, pulses and rice, protecting the interests of its members worldwide, providing the support and international contacts they require.

FOSFA is a professional international contract issuing and arbitral body concerned exclusively with the world trade in oilseeds, oils and fats with 1,065 members in 85 countries. These members include producers and processors, shippers and dealers, traders, brokers and agents, superintendents, analysts, shipowners, ship brokers, tank storage companies, arbitrators, consultants, lawyers, insurers and others, providing services to traders.


tic logoTIC Council is an international association representing independent testing, inspection and certification companies.

BAFTZ new bigBulgarian Association of Grain and Feed Traders (BAGFT) is a non profit organization, registered in April 2010. The Association is a voluntary professional organization of grain and feed traders in Bulgaria, whose relations are based on principles of equality, trust, tolerance and fair competition.
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