SMETA 2-Pillar audits are governed by the standards contained in the ETI base code. SMETA 4-Pillar audits add more extensive environmental management requirements as well as business practices. Reporting can be done through the Sedex database, depending on your requirements. Usually, eligible sites complete a self-assessment before audits start. Ask for a pre-audit information pack when applying.
Control Union Bulgaria is delivering SMETA certification services on behalf of Control Union Certifications BV.
How you benefit
In the certification industry, various social audits are performed such as BSCI, WRAP, SA 8000 and ICTI. All of these social audits can be uploaded onto Sedex. It is up to the individual member to decide which audit best suits their purposes, however, Sedex hopes that by providing SMETA best practice guidance publicly, companies will ultimately establish one international audit protocol.