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SLCP – Social & Labor Convergence Program

SLCP – Social & Labor Convergence Program


Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) is a converged assessment that focus on collaboration to support stakeholders to improve working conditions, unlock the potential audit-related saving that and redirect those financial saving to improvement social and labor condition. SLCP offers a transparent system which is  cost-efficient and enables progressive improvement.

What is SLCP?
SLCP consists of Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) and SLCP Gateway, a web-based centralized repository for hosting and sharing of verified assessments. Further it enables redistribution of verified assessments to Accredited Host (AH), such as Fair Factory Clearinghouse (FFC), Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (Higg FSLM) and Inspectorio.

Our approach
Control Union has been one of the signatories of Social & Labor Convergence since September 2019. We are also currently a SLCP approved verification body and offer both verification and Joint assessment service.

Control Union Bulgaria is delivering SLCP certification services on behalf of  Control Union Certifications BV.

How you benefit

With verified assessment, your benefits are amongst other:

  • Reduce audit fatigue
  • Enhance data creditability
  • Harmonize existing audit methodologies
  • Enable data access and comparability
  • Advanced multi-stakeholder approach on mutual trust, measure, understand and improve conditions over time.