Green Key is an international ecolabel for tourism facilities. The Green Key award is the leading standard for excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. This ecolabel represents a commitment by businesses that their premises adhere to the strict criteria set by the Foundation for Environmental Education.
A Green Key stands for the promise to its guests that by opting to stay with the Green Key establishment, they are helping to make a difference on an environmental level. The high environmental standards expected of these hotels are maintained through rigorous documentation and frequent audits. Green Key is eligible for hotels, hostels, small accommodations, campsites, restaurants and attractions.
Eco certification
The Green Key criteria consists of a number of international criteria (either imperative or guideline criteria) that are the baseline criteria in all countries. In countries with national operators, it is possible to add or strengthen the criteria to adjust to national legislation, infrastructure, climate and culture. The criteria focus on environmental management with technical demands as well as involvement with guests, staff, suppliers and the surrounding community. Some of the fields covered are: environmental management, water, waste and energy saving, involvement and awareness of guests and staff, management of food and beverage, open spaces, etc. The criteria are designed so they are easily understood.
You can recognise eco-certified hotels by the logo of Green Key!
Green Key is compliant with following hearts of the staygreencheck:
Control Union Bulgaria is delivering Green Key certification services on behalf of Control Union Certifications BV.