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GMP+ Good Manufacturing Practices

GMP+ Good Manufacturing Practices


Control Union Certifications offers several feed safety certifications, including GMP+ FSA for Feed Safety Assurance, GMP+ FRA for Feed Responsible Assurance, Good Trading Practices (GTP) and secure feed audits.

GMP+ FSA is based on ISO quality management requirements with the integration of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Plan (HACCP).
The GMP+ certification scheme defines conditions relating to production facilities as well as for storage, transport, trade and monitoring activities. This approach guarantees control throughout the whole feed chain to produce to the highest standards.
Control Union Certifications also offers GMP+ FRA, GTP and secure feed auditing. Combining audits for feed and food safety reduces duplication of work and time.
Control Union Bulgaria is delivering GMP+ certification services on behalf of Control Union Certifications B.V.

How you benefit

The GMP guideline follows the food chain from primary production through to final consumption, highlighting the key hygiene controls at each stage. GMP provides a framework to:

  • Identify the essential principles of food hygiene that apply throughout the food chain (including primary production through to the final consumer), to ensure that food is safe and suitable for human consumption.
  • Recommend a HACCP-based approach as a means to enhance food safety.
  • Point out how to implement those principles.
  • Provide guidance on specific codes for sectors of the food chain, processes or commodities in order to boost the hygiene requirements in those sectors.